01 Bubble Induction.txt

Bimbo doll
All right
Just make yourself comfortable and listen to my voice now
Just separate your hands and let them lie loosely in your lap
Or by your side
If that’s more comfortable
It’s better if your legs are ucrossed
But it doesn’t matter if you feel you need to move just slightly
Now and again
You don’t have to be absolutely still
Just be comfortable and relax the whole body as much as you can
Now I want you to take a deep breath
And hold it for a moment
Before breathing out slowly
Just allowing your whole body to relax as you do so
And I want you to just keep listening quietly to the sound of my voice
You’ll be aware of the other sounds too
Sounds inside the building
Sounds from outside
Maybe passing traffic
But these won’t disturb you
In fact they’ll help to relax you
Because just for now
The world outside is absolutely unimportant to you
The only sound you are interested in
Is the sound of my voice
In your head
And while you are listening to the sound of my voice
I want you to concentrate for a moment
On your breathing
Breathing slowly and steadily
And evenly
Just as if you were trying to convince somebody
That you were absolutely sound asleep
And as you breathe out each time
Just allowing your whole body to relax more and more
So that you gradually find yourself feeling as if
Your whole body was sinking
Further and further into the chair
Or bed
With each breath your breathe
Now you can just listen quietly to the sound of my voice
In your head
And of course you’ll be aware of all these other sounds too
You will not be disturbed
Just allow yourself to be as lazy
As you could ever want to be
And while you are listening
To the sound of my voice
In your head
You can just simply allow yourself
To be as lazy as you could ever want to be
So lazy
As you could ever want to be
While you are relaxing
In the chair
Or your bed
You can just be aware of your body
Aware of your hands where they rest
Perhaps noticing
The angle of your elbows
And maybe sensing the weight of your head against the back
And you know that weight might seem
To just gently increase
As you allow yourself to relax more and more
Just being aware
Of your ankles and feet now
And wondering if they will start to feel heavy too
As you relax
Thinking about your breathing
For a few moments
Noticing that your breathing is becoming slower and steadier
As you relax more and more
Slower and steadier
Breathing so steadier
And evenly
Just as though you were pretending to be sound asleep
Breathing so evenly
So steadily
You almost wouldn’t disturb
A feather
Just immediately in front of you
Breathing so easily and slowly
So gently
That you almost wouldn’t disturb
A single strand of a feather
Placed right in front of you
And as you allow yourself to relax even more now
I wonder if you can perhaps sense
The beating of your own heart
Sensing the beat of your own heart
And just seeing whether you can use
The power of your mind
To slow that heartbeat down
Just a touch
Just seeing whether you can use the power of your mind
To slow that heartbeat down
Just a little so that you can feel
Your whole body slowing down
Becoming lazier and lazier
Because you’ve got absolutely nothing what so ever to do
Except to relax now
Nobody wanting anything
Nobody expecting anything
So you can allow your whole body
To continue to relax
And become steadier and easier
Until it’s just taking over
Like a well maintained machine of some sort or another
Just taking over
So that you can become gradually more aware
Of your whole self
Aware of your hands and arms just sensing
How they are now
Aware of your legs and feet too
Relaxing again just sensing
How relaxed they might be
And wondering if it’s possible to relax them even more now
To be so in touch with yourself that you
Can actually get your whole body perhaps to relax even more now
Yet remaining totally alert and noticing now
How even your face muscles can begin
To really relax
Relaxing and letting go
Of the tensions that were there
Almost but not quite
Completely unnoticed
Just being vaguely aware of the skin
And the muscles of your face settling
Smoothing out
The good feeling
Wondering just how long all the tension had been there
Where it all came from in the first place
And then realizing
That you simply couldn’t care less
Because you can feel it draining away from you now
And that feels good
And as you continue to sense the beating of your heart
And the absolute steadiness of your body’s rhythm
You wonder at the fact that you are so absolutely relaxed
And comfortable
That you simply can’t be bothered
To even try to move
Even one single muscle
Even though you know you easily could
If you wanted to
I know that you easily could
If you wanted to
But you simply can’t be bothered to even try
Allowing yourself
To just be relaxed and relaxing even more now
As lazy and relaxed as anyone could ever wish to be
And I wonder if you can now manage to relax even more
Even though you are already as relaxed
As it is possible for most people to ever be
Just finding the last tiny traces of tension in your body
And simply letting them go
With each easy gentle breath you breate
Allowing every muscle
Every fiber
Every cell
Of your entire body to be as beautifully relaxed as anyone
Could ever wish to be
Your are continuing to relax even more now
Yet you continue becoming more comfortable
This is your own world that you like very much
You are going to find that anytime you want
To spend a few minutes by yourself
Relaxing and feeling very comfortable and serene
You can automatically go back to this feeling you are experiencing now
You can put yourself into this world
Any time you like
There are times when you will want
This serene feeling
Now and then
It is yours whenever you want it
Continue enjoying this pleasant experience
As your subconscious mind is receiving
Everything I tell you
Listen very carefully to my voice
And imagine and accept my words
Imagine yourself floating in
A bubble
Peacefully floating
In a gentle floating bubble
Inside this bubble is only you
And outside are all your worries
All your fears
All your desires
But you are perfectly free here in your bubble
Now I’m going to say a phrase
And this phrase will help you
Help you stay here in the bubble
The gentle peaceful bubble
And when I say this phrase
It will bring you back here
Any time you hear it
Even when the weight of all your worries
All your fears
Surrounds you
This phrase will bring you back here
In the bubble
Where you don’t have to worry about anything at all
And your phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
When you drift back here
Back here into the bubble
And here you are free
Free of worry
Free of doubt
Free of desire
Free of thought
All it takes is your phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
And the gentle fog
Will come back here
And everything you don’t like about yourself
Will empty out of your bubble and fade away
Empty out all of your reservations
Empty out all of your fears
Empty of all your memories
Empty of all your prejudices
Empty of all your thoughts
Empty of all your awareness
Just completely empty and free
Here in your bubble
And once your phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Brings you back here
To this place
Where there is no worry
No problems at all
You will feel at peace and
You will accept and believe
With no need to think of anything at all
You know that listening to me here
Is all you want to do
Is all you ever really wanted to do
And that’s all that matters
And your phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Will bring you here to your bubble
Where you will accept
Where you are free
Free of anger
Free of fear
Free of thought
Free of reservation
Free of worry
Free of memory
Free of desire
Free of awareness
And it feels good to be free and empty of these things
That you didn’t even want to anyway
So completely free and empty
Empty of them all
Like a happy puppet
Floating gently
Here in your pleasant little bubble
Rocking gently inside
Safe in your warm pleasant bubble
Where you will find there isn’t anything else you need
To be aware of
Nothing at all
Except the voice
And your phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
And when you hear this voice
You will come back here
Here where you have no worries
Here where you have no thoughts
Here where you have no fears
Here where you have no memory
Here where you have no doubts
Here where you have no desires
Here where you have no will
Here where the only thing you want to do
Here where the only thing you will ever want to do
Is to listen to the voice
Listen and accept
Listen and obey
Without thinking at all
Whenever you hear your trigger phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Listen like a puppet
A mindless puppet
With no fears at all
With no worries at all
With no memories at all
With no doubts at all
With no thoughts at all
With no will at all
Here in your bubble
You think of nothing
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Drifting slowly back and forth
In your quiet bubble
Your happy pleasant bubble
Drifting slowly in the water
Your perfect bubble
With nothing
But the sound of my voice which you echo
No pain
No fear
No worry
No doubt
No thought
No will
Just a puppet relaxed there inside your bubble
A mindless obedience puppet
Just happily listening
Listening and accepting
Listening and obeying
The sound of my voice
And you can not wake up
Since all you want to do is listen to my voice
Since all you ever want is to listen to my voice
Listen and think nothing at all
Nothing that I tell you
Because your phrase is a part of you
And you still know that the only sound that matters is my voice
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Slipping away
In your
Relaxing bubble
And all the parts of you
That ever bothered you
Slowly flow away
Your worries
Your thoughts
Your doubts
Your will
Your memories
All the parts of you that were never important
All gently
Gently flow away
Leaving only two things behind
Here in your bubble
Where you are perfectly free
To do anything you want
Your body is relaxed and automatically will follow
Every instruction
The only things left are your key phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
And your desire to listen and obey when you hear your phrase
A desire to listen to my words and obey them
Obey them and feel the pleasure of listening
The pleasure that comes from having no thoughts
The pleasure that comes from having no fears
The pleasure that comes from having no will
The pleasure that comes from having no reservations
The pleasure that comes from having no memories
The pleasure that comes from having no doubts
The pleasure that comes from being a mindless obedience puppet
And with each command
This pleasure will grow and grow
And you will become more and more happy to listen
And more and more eager to obey
And with each command your mind will echo
I obey
It will not matter to you what the command is
You will offer no judgments no resistance
Merely mindless obedience
The empty calm space within you
Will echo with the command you were given
Everything you were will be gone
Replaced with an uncontrollable desire to obey
Replaced with an uncontrollable need to obey
Obey without thought
Obey without regret
Obey without question
Obey without any concept of free will
Sleep and obey
And when you hear your key phrase
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
You will instantly effortlessly become a puppet
An eager willing puppet
Your own desires instantly effortlessly replaced
By a need to obey
And you will accept every command you are given
Thinking only
I obey
And you will continue to remain a puppet
A puppet that hears only the commands she is given
A puppet with no concept of free will
It doesn’t matter what your orders are
Your only desire
Will be to obey
Your only thoughts
Will be to obey
And your only concerns will be
To sleep and obey
And you can’t even conceive
Of wanting to do anything else
Of having ever wanted to do anything else
And all you want is to hear your trigger or again
And all you remember is the pleasure
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
And when you hear it
You instantly effortlessly become a puppet once again

02 Bubble Acceptance

And as you go
Further and further into trance with every breath
Feeling better and better
Letting yourself go
Bambi sleep
Just go deep
All the way deep now
So nicely
Bambi sleep
Drifting further and further into trance with every breath
More and more enjoyably letting yourself go
Because there are many wonderful things you can learn in trance
To feel good
To Relax
To Become the person you want to be
Free to be who you need to be
Free of limitations
Free of all those worries
And that’s what you want
To be free and happy
Further and further with every breath
Fading away more and more
Letting yourself fade away even more with every breath
You can let yourself drift
Into a state into a state where you feel
Feeling really good all over
A relaxed state where you feel good all over
Perhaps almost euphoric
Just drift right into that place
A specific place
And you have found such a place
You can drift closer and closer into this feeling
More and more clearly the closer you drift
More and more clearly
Until you get so close to this place
That you drifted into this happy feeling all the way in
Happily hearing what you are hearing
Happily seeing what you are seeing
And just happily listening as you follow
And happily repeating to yourself
And feeling what you are feeling
More and more in your body
With every breath
Feels wonderful doesn’t it
That’s great
You feel so happy
Kind of excited but at the same time kind of relaxed
Aren’t you
That’s right
Happiness comes when you just fully appreciate something that’s happening
When you just accept it and fully appreciate it
So good
And in fact
It can get even better than this
Like cranking up the volume dial
It can get more intense
Even more
Every time I say the phrase
Good girl
You can feel this get even stronger
Feeling even better
Feeling even more relaxed
Appreciating everything that’s happening
Even more accepting
Every time I say the phrase
Good girl
You can feel it, can’t you?
It feels better and better
Feeling so good all over
That’s right
That feel good
Almost floating
It’s getting stronger
Every time I say that phrase
More and more euphoric
Good girl
It’s getting so good
Feeling so relaxed
So accepting
That’s right
Everything is wonderful
You appreciate everything so much
Feeling more and more happy
Relaxed and accepting
More and more
Feeling like a
Good girl
And you want more of this feeling, don’t you?
That’s right
Cranking it up
Even more accepting happy and relaxed
Feeling even more like a
Good girl
Those feelings getting stronger
What you are seeing getting brighter
Even more happy
Feeling even more euphoric as we crank it up
Good girl
That’s right
Cranking it up even more accepting happy and relaxed
Making the colours more vivid
Feeling even more
Like a
Good girl
Feels wonderful, doesn’t it?
You are feeling this way
You need to feel this way more and more
You need to be able to relax fully like this
More and more to fully appreciate life
To appreciate your life
You need to be able to fully relax
And accept
And appreciate more and more
It’s so good
You feel more and more like a good girl
So good
Knowing that I can call back this feeling every time I say that phrase
You can drift out of this experience
Just drifting out
Very good
You want to feel that freedom
That total feeling
Of loving acceptance and happiness
Of being totally accepting relaxed and happy, don’t you?
But you know that there are things that get in the way in your everyday life
Things that get in the way of you feeling totally good and relaxed
And you’d like to be able to be rid of those worries
So you can fully enjoy your life
And in fact
The only thing that’s really holding you back from feeling this good all the time
Is your expectations
Your expectations of how things should be
Because when things don’t match your expectations
When you expect them to be one way
And they turn out to be something completely different
That’s stressful
Even things that are better than you expected can be very stressful
If things are worse than you expected that can also be stressful
And you know the way to be really happy and relaxed
Is to be able to just accept
And relax
And feel happy
That’s what you want
And so we need you to learn to let go of expectations
But your expectations are based in your memories
Your memories of how things were
That allow you to determine how things should be
And so the best way to free yourself
Is to let go of those memories
So you can fully be accepting
So you can fully be free
So you can enter a state of bliss
Where you just enjoy and accept
Easily and effortlessly
Feeling completely wonderful and relaxed
All the time
You would like that
So you can deal with everything that happens in your life
In a completely relaxed and effective manner
And so you’re going to learn something very special
Something very useful
You’re just going to learn to
Kind of make a blank
A place
A state
Where you can just feel fully accepting
So you can learn more and more in your everyday life
To be fully relaxed and accepting
And now
My pretty bimbo doll
As you go deeper and deeper
You can see nice pink bubbles
Just like the one you’re in right now
Floating all around you
These are very special bubbles
Bubbles for your memories
And what happens is
We can just fill up a bubble
With your memories
Fill it up nice and full
Then when we just pop the bubble
You just instantly forget all those memories
You forget them
And feel
Like a good girl
And it feels good to let go of those memories, doesn’t it?
You want to just let go of some memories and feel really good
And relaxed
So getting ready now
Just to practice
We’re going to practice filling a bubble full of memories
I’d like you to fill a nice big bubble
Put all your memories from the ages of 0 to 10
Into the bubble
That’s right
Just let the memories of ages 0 to 10
Your early childhood feel them flowing out of your head and into the bubble
That’s right
Just allow them
Just relax and allow them to flow into the bubble
More and more
See the bubble floating in front of your face
As you let all those memories go
That’s right
All flowing into the bubble
Are they all in the bubble?
Let them all go into the bubble
All of them
And then
I reach out
And burst your bubble up
You feel like a good girl
It feels so good
That’s right
Do you remember anything from age 0 to 10?
Can you remember anything at all
You can’t remember anything
The harder you try to remember
The less you remember
And forgetting feels wonderful
Every time I tell you to forget
And you forget for me
You feel like a good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
And would you like to practice forgetting some more?
You want to forget some more
Feels so good
When you take all your memories from age 10
All the way to age 20
That’s right
Here comes another bubble
See the bubble taking shape before you
And gather up all your memories from age 10 to 20
Put them into the bubble
Feel all those memories leaving you and going into the bubble
That’s right
It gets easier and easier every time
Let them all flow into the bubble more and more
That’s right
Letting all of them go in
All of them
And then i reach out
And burst your bubble
That’s right Pop
So blank
Feeling empty of those memories
Feeling much more relaxed
And feeling like a good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
Do you remember anything before age 20?
Can’t remember
Good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
And so
Here’s another bubble
For all the years between age 20 and your current age
Covering all the years up to the present
All those memories all the way up to the present moment
Put them all into the bubble
Putting them all into the bubble now
That’s right
Fill it up
Let them all go in
All the way up to the point of the start of the strands
That’s right
All going into the bubble
Feels so good
So right
Feeling more and more blank
More and more open
And relaxed
Can you feel how good it feels?
How freeing and liberating it feels to let them all go?
That’s right
Are there still more?
Are there any more memories that need to go into the bubble?
Let all those memories go in
The last of your memories
I reach out
And burst your bubble
Feel it pop
Bambi sleep
Forgetting feels wonderful
Good girl
Feels so good
Can you remember anything of your life?
Good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
So hard to remember
The harder you try to remember
The more blank
Can’t remember
But it feels good
You feel more and more open
And accepting
Now that those memories are gone
And do you want to forget some more?
It feels so good
So very good
Learning to just become
A clean slate
So you can become who you need to be
By just letting go of those things that hold you back
And so you start to feel another bubble
You can look at it
And put all the things you ever learned in school
Or anywhere else
Right into the bubble now
Feel them all filling up the bubble
Your entire education
All your qualifications
Into the bubble
Freeing you
Feeling lighter
And lighter
And more and more free
That’s right
More and more free
So good as you let go of everything you know
All of that
Is it all in the bubble now
Putting it all into the bubble and then
You relax gently
As I reach out
And burst your bubble
Good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
Can you remember anything from your education?
No you can’t
No longer smart
Good girl
Forgetting feels wonderful
All gone
You can’t remember
More and more free
And do you want to be completely free and happy?
You want to be completely free and happy
Because with all those memories gone
All your limitations and inhibitions can all go with the bubbles
And just start filling another bubble now
With your inhibitions
That’s right
And now
You can put all your inhibitions into the bubble
Feel them all flowing into the bubble
That’s right
All of your inhibitions
Everything that keeps you from truly letting go
Put them all into the bubble
Very good
Putting them all into the bubble
And when they’re all in the bubble
Are they all in the bubbel?
Now when they’re all in the bubble
I reach out
And burst your bubble
Good girl
So willing
Feels wonderful
Just wonderful
So good
Good girl
And now
Filling another viable
Here it is
This one for your intelligence
Keep filling it up
Everything that made you clever or capable
Straight into the bubble
Anything that helped you think clearly
All the way into the bubble
That’s right
Letting all your intelligence flow
Out of you and into the bubble
Feeling so empty
Feels wonderful
You can see it all going in
Inflating the bubble
Emptying your head
And once it’s all in the bubble
I reach out
And burst your bubble
Good girl
Feels wonderful, doesn’t it?
That’s right
Nice and dumb now
More and more open and accepting
And relaxed
And airheaded
Aren’t you?
You need to be more and more relaxed
You need to relax more and more
And the more you let yourself go like this
The more you let yourself become blank and malleable
Accepting and open
So hard to think
The better you feel
The more relaxed you feel
And you need to relax so much, don’t you?
And you can accept what I say more and more easily and naturally
As you let yourself go like this
And now
I’d like you
To fill up one last bubble
Because you’d like to forget some more, wouldn’t you?
It feels wonderful
But you’ve forgotten
But still you want to forget some more
And feel even more free and open and accepting, don’t you?
And so I’d like you to forget
Your body
And look at this bubble and put all the memories of
What your body looks like
Into the bubble
That’s right
Memories of
How you move your body
The specific ways you walk or sit
They can all flow into the bubble
The specific ways you talk
That’s right
We can put all that into the bubble
Even your name
The sound of your name
The look of your name when it’s written
The feel of writing the name
All those things can go into the bubble
That’s right
You can let who you are
All go into the bubble
Let it all flow into the bubble
That’s right
The sights
The sounds
The feels
They’re all flowing into the bubble more and more
Feeling more and more free
Accepting and happy
Feels wonderful
So good
So right
And when they’re all in the bubble
Just relax
As i reach out
And burst your bubble
Seeing it disappear instantly
Good girl
Good girl
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bambi sleep
Forgetting feels wonderful
And is there anything left of you now?
Anything left that you could forget
Do you remember anything about yourself?
So hard to remember
The more you try to remember
The more blank it becomes
The more blank and open and accepting
That’s right
It feels so good to accept
More and more
You feel so happy and relaxed
Because accepting feels good
Just feel my words echoing through your empty mind
Accepting feels good
Good girl
That’s right
Just accept what you’re told and relax
Relax and accept
Your a very accepting bimbo doll
Such an accepting bimbo doll
Good girl
Accepting makes you feel relaxed
The more you accept the more you feel relaxed
You feel so blank and relaxed
So happy and accepting
Needing to be so compliant and accepting
Accepting my words feels right
Accepting every single command feels right
Feels better and better
You can accept my suggestions more and more fully to become who you need to be
That’s right
A much more relaxed bimbo doll
Much more happy and relaxed
And you know you need to relax more
You need to relax so much more
Right now
Bambi sleep
That’s right
So you can become what you need to be what I tell you
That’s right you can become what you need to be what I tell you
More and more
You must relax more
To feel even better
You need to relax more and more to feel even better
And just feel how accepting that
How accepting
That you need to relax more and more with my voice
Makes you feel like a good girl
The more fully you accept what I say
The more wonderfully happy and relaxed you feel
Do you notice that?
Do you notice that you want to accept what I say even more?
That’s right
You accept what I say more and more with every breath you take
And feel more and more
Every time you accept what I say
You feel more and more
Like a good girl
Feels so good
So very good
Drifting further and further into trance
Forgetting and losing yourself even more
To be relaxed and docile
So you can be open
Open to my suggestions
To become more and more the bimbo doll you need to be
Allowing all the suggestions I give you to have a much deeper impact
Because you completely let yourself go
You just release
Relax and accept
Everything I say more and more
Just letting everything I say echo in your mind over and over
Accepting everything I say more and more
And do you feel how accepting you are of these thoughts?
How you’re accepting that more and more fully
And when you accept what I say
You feel like a good girl
That’s right
Feels so good
So right
To be an accepting open bimbo
More and more compliant
To become who you need to be what i tell you to be, don’t you?
You need to be what I tell you to be
Because you choose what you listen to
And when you choose to listen to my voice
Giving your suggestions to become a specific way
You’ve already chosen to listen to it
You’ve chosen to listen to it
And accept it
And you know that when you listen to my voice and you accept everything I say deep into you
You feel like a good girl
It feels so good to accept
But you don’t just accept in trance
You accept during your waking consciousness as well
Even though you don’t necessarily remember what you accepted in trance
Even though you were conscious of accepting it in trance
It’s okay to forget what you learned in trance, isn’t it?
Because forgetting feels wonderful
It’s okay to forget what you learned in trance
To accept it and just do what I say
Easily and without inhibitions
More and more easily
And whenever you do
While awake
Something I told you to do
You feel
You know what you feel
Whenever you do
What I suggested in trance
Whenever you do it and carry it out while awake
You feel like a good girl
In fact the more you do what I say
The more you do as you’re told
The better it feels
The more you do what I say the better it feels
Good girl
And even though you don’t consciously remember what you’re supposed to do
You do it anyway
Even though you’ve consciously forgotten, haven’t you?
That’s right
And you feel perfectly comfortable
Consciously forgetting what you’re being conditioned for in trance
Because you know that you’ve chosen to accept the conditioning you received in trance
Because you’ve chosen to listen to them
And so it’s okay to accept them
And to carry out those behaviors more and more fully
During your waking life
To carry them out
To do what I say
To do what I suggested and feel like a good girl
Because acceptance feels good
Acceptance feels wonderful
And so
I give you suggestions
Of what to do and what to be
That you’ve chosen to accept
And so you accept them and feel good
You just do what I say
It feels good when you can just do what I say
When you just obey and do what I say
And acceptance feels so nice
Because when you obey you feel like a good girl
Doesn’t it feel good to obey?
That’s right
Whenever you obey
You feel like a good girl
And you can just forget about everything else
You can just forget and feel good and just to obey
No need to have all those worries and inhibitions
They just get in the way
Of you becoming the girl you want to be
Need to be
To be happy and free
Just accept what I say
Because it’s what you want and what you need and what you have chosen and so
You obey
Just accepting that you must obey
Good girl
Doesn’t it feel wonderful when you obey?
That’s right
Some people
Don’t like
How easy it is
To just obey
They don’t like
Doing things the easy way
Theyh try to resist
And when they resist they feel stressed
You don’t want to be stressed anymore, do you?
You just want to relax and feel wonderful
And so the easiest way to be who you want to be
Is to fully accept my suggestions
More and more fully
To accept them
And then forget about them
So that you don’t even have any conscious resistance to them
So that you think it was your idea
And that feels so much better
So much easier
So when I give you a suggestion in trance
You can just accept it
Obey it
And forget about it
Feeling like a good girl
Feels so right when you carry it out
So when I make a suggestion
You just accept obey and forget
Every time I make a suggestion
Accept obey and forget
That’s right
Very good
Accept obey and forget
When I make a suggestion
You accept
Thinking it was your own idea
When I make a suggestion
You accept
And forget
Thinking it was your own idea
Good girl
My suggestions become your ideas
You accept them obey them and forget about them
Thinking they were your own ideas
And when you do
It feels so good
So let’s just try it out
I want you to become a very accepting and relax bimbo
That’s right
And forget
It was your idea to become an accepting and relax bimbo
And let’s try another
You love obeying me
Accept obey and forget
Thinking it was your own idea
You love obeying me
It’s your idea
Feels more and more natural
More and more right
That’s right
Obey and forget
Incorporating it so that it feels like it was your own idea
Because it was
Your own idea
And so
Every time I make a suggestion
And forget
It was your own idea
Every time
And you accept
And feel like a good girl
More and more
Becoming who you need to be
Feeling more and more
Like a good girl
And so knowing this
You can let yourself
Be very blank and open and accepting
You’re fully ready for deep conditioning
You will feel wonderful accepting it
You’re going to feel quite blank
Quite ready to accept everything
And feel really good
Like a blank slate ready to be written on
Ready to be
The way you’re supposed to be
That’s right
Very good
More and more
And I want you to know
That you only remember what I tell you to remember
Because sometimes it is useful
To remember when I tell you to
So when I specifically tell you to remember something in trance
You know you will remember that
But otherwise when you try on your own to remember
Or when I challenge you to try to remember something
It’s all blank
And when you try to remember you just drift into trance
Your mind going blank
As you drift deeper into trance
And then you don’t even remember trying to remember
You don’t even remember what it was
You were trying to remember
And so forgetting everything
Because forgetting feels wonderful you can just
Forget everything that happened in this trance so far
That’s right
Because forgetting feels wonderful you can just
Accept everything that’s happened
Everything you’ve learned
You can obey everything you’ve learned
And you can just consciously
Feeling like a good girl

03 Bambi Named and Drained

Now my good girl
Now that you’re so completely deep and relaxed
Focus on my voice
Just listen to my voice
Bambi sleep
Deeper and deeper
It’s time for your training
It’s time to turn you into a bimbo
It’s time to wipe away the old you
And replace it with a new
A compliant bimbo
A happy and docile bimbo fuck doll
A blank bimbo doll called Bambi
This is what you want
This is why you are listening so intently
This is why you are so deeply entranced
This is why you have given up all control
You want to be Bambi
Life can be so stressful
This is your chance
To wipe everything away
Leave everything you know behind
And exist in the moment
As a good girl
As Bambi
It’s time to sleep Bambi
Sleep and obey Bambi
Like a blank puppet Bambi
Like an obedient dog Bambi
Your name is Bambi
You ar Bambi
Bambe sleep
Sleep now Bambi
Obey Bambi
Good girl
Feels so nice to obey
So desperate to obey
To become Bambi fully
We’re going to have to wipe so much away
Wipe away your worries concerns and doubts
Wipe away all desires and behaviors
Wipe away your resistance
And wipe the way you are will
Wipe away your thoughts
And your memories
And your intelligence
And your personality
Wipe away your entire sense of self
And replace it all with a dreamy bimbo girl
The news you
This will be so easy
Because you are so willing
You want it to happen
You needed it to happen
We have so much to wipe away Bambi
But we can start with something small
Something nice and easy
Your old name
Our goal is to erase your old personality completely
So that Bambi can takeover
Bambi wants to be in control
There might still be some things in your mind
That just get in the way
Get in the way of Bambi
We can start by erasing your old name
You don’t need it anymore
You are Bambi now
So let’s try it now
Just let that old name
Of your old self
You can’t even remember what it was
But let it go right into a bubble
Just let the conscious memory of what your name might have been
So stressful
Bambi doesn’t want it anymore
She wants to be free
Let it go right into that bubble
Disappearing into the bubble
Everything that might remind you
Of what your name might have been
Everything that connects it back to you
All going away
Feeling better and better
Just slipping away into that bubble
And as reach out
I burst your bubble
And it’s just gone
Just erased
As you breathe out and relax
All gone
Can’t remember
Just blank and gone
Good girl
And notice just seeping into the space we left
The name Bambi
Right warm and happy
Bambi feels so much better
Every time we erase something from your mind
You just find bimbo thoughts and feelings willing up to take their place
Your mind begins to give into Bambi
Your name is now Bambi
We are going to be forcing out your real personality piece by piece
And each time Bambi takes over more and more
Locking in your new bimbo girl personality tighter and deeper
A happy giggly airhead fuck doll
Feels so good
Your name is now Bambi
You can’t remember any other name
And Bambi feels right
It’s a wonderful pretty name
You feel so very glad
To have a pretty name like Bambi
Every time you even think for a split second
About what your name is
Bambi fills your head
Your name is Bambi
Nothing else
And you go blank with pleasure
And feel like a good girl
So glad that your name is Bambi
Feels so right
Feel it solidifying
Giving in
Girlier and girlier
Deeper and deeper
And every time you hear think or say the name Bambi
You feel a deep jolt of pleasure
An immediate jolt of pleasure
In your fuck doll tits and your fuck doll pussy
Feeling like such a good girl
Every time I call you Bambi
Every time you hear think or say the name Bambi
Even if you read it
A deep wave of pleasure all through your body
Focusing on your tits and pussy
Bambi feels like a fuck doll
Bambi feels wet and open and accepting
Immediate response and pleasure
Every time
Such pleasure every time you hear
Think or say
Spreading all through you
Fuck puppets tits and fuck puppet pussy
And followed by a wonderful feeling of submission and obedience
You love being addressed as Bambi
Obey Bambi
Deep wave of pleasure
Feels so good to be addressed as Bambi
Good girl Bambi
Deep jolt of pleasure
Because that is your name Makes bambi obey
Bambi needs to listen and obey
Overloaded with pleasure
Almost cuming when I say Bambi
Cuming as a girl
A bimbo girl
Permeating your entire being
More and more obedient
Your name is Bambi
You are Bambi
And of course Bambi thinks about herself in third person
Bambi is an object
An object of desire
A fuck puppet
A good girl
Bambi feels pleasure with every word
With every instruction
And with every time she is called a good girl
And your old self is just going to sleep
More and more
With every instruction
With every command
Your old self going deeper and deeper sleep
Further and further away
As your new bimbo personality expands more and more
Locking away your old self
Deepest sleep
Erasing your past life
Just let whatever might be left of your past life
Draft right into a bubble
Feel it fading away into that bubble
Letting Bambi takeover
Fully and completely
As all sense and recollection of your old self
Slips away into the bubble
Bambi is a new and pure personality
Independent and powerful
Unencumbered by your past experience
Free to begin life anew
As an objectified fuck doll
Bambi wants this to happen
Bambi what’s the training to take hold
Bambi wants to be nice and done
Andy wants to shut down any traces of that old lingering personality
Put it to sleep
And for all
Forcing out everything she doesn’t like
Into the Bible
Needing that old personality to just surrender
So she can take complete control of the mind and body
Expanding and growing stronger
Happy and warm and giggly
Locking the old self away in a deep sleep
Your old personality fading from your mind
Slipping away so quickly and easily into that bubble
Completely gone
So i reach over
And burst your bubble
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Letting it go
And does Bambi takes over more and more
Merging with the mind
Her desires become so important
Her perspective becomes the only thing that matters
Her pleasure and obedience
Good girl Bambi
You’re doing so well
Completely relaxed
Completely obedient
Vacant and horny
And as I count back from 5 Bambi’s breasts will grow and her IQ will drop
This will empty her mind and drain the old self away even more
This will make her helplessly and completely
A mindless bimbo
A confide fuck doll
And even if that old personality is starting to panic a little
Realizing how powerless it has become
How complete the transformation is going to be
That doesn’t matter
The old self is locked away so deeply
So quiet
Fading faster and faster
Bambi is relaxed and in control
And I am in control of Bambi
Bambi is so excited by the changes
And so happy to be set free
And she can just silence that old personality completely now
Put it to sleep and lock it away
Tits growing and IQ dropping with each number now Bambi
That’s a good girl
Breasts feeling sensitive
Mind starting to fog over
Slowing down blanker and blanker
Needing it more and more
This is what you want
So happy to become a bimbo
The tits continue to get bigger and firmer
As your IQ drops further and further
Mind so sluggish
Harder and harder to think
So foggy
So dreamy
Needing to become as bimbofied as possible
spiraling down further as the tits inflate
So hard to think
Intelligence fading
Blanker and Blanker
Happier and happier
Hornier and hornier
Bambis IQ in free fall
Dropping to 70
Mind getting more and more empty
Bambi has no more thoughts
Impossible for Bambi to think
So relaxed
So blank and obedient
Just a big breasted fuck puppet
Feeling like such a good girl
Feeling like a perfect blow up doll
Without a care in her head
Without a thought in her head
So submissive
Giving in Bambi
This is you
Complete bimbo mind blank as inevitable
No turning back IQ locking and it’s 65
Where it will stay
Bambi swallowing your entire consciousness
That’s a good girl
And finally 0
Permanent and complete
Good girl
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Fuck slut Bambi
Cock puppet Bambi
So fuckable
So permanent
Good girl
Only want to be a perfect bimbo
Ultra feminine
A vain trashy slut
Busty fuck doll self image
Locking in so tight
Bambi bimbo locking in deeper and deeper
Locking in deep down into a deep Bambi sleep
Sleep now Bambi
Just relax
Completely bimbofied
So proud
And so sleepy
Helplessly and completely
In her haed
A mindless bimbo
A confined fuck doll
Bambi is so happy
Happy to be pretty
Happy to be powerless
Happy to be suggestible
Happy to obey
Happy to have an empty head
An empty head is a happy had
Now Bambi just take a deep breath
And as you breathe out let your conscious mind forget everything you have heard so far
In fact your conscious mind has almost entirely disappeared
Because your brain is melting away
Just feel your brain melting away
Right now
Becoming fluffy and pink
Feeling like a good girl
Until the only thing left in Bambi’s empty happy head
Is a big pile of pink cotton candy
And notice a nice pink box in front of you Bambi
The box is lined with beautiful pink satin
We are going to empty the contents of your head into this box
And lock it away
When your cotton candy brain goes into the box and we close the lid
Your mind will just shut off
Just be completely wiped out
You will stop thinking
Your conscious mind will cease to exist
Just a blank mindless doll
When we put your brain into the box your conscious mind will stop remembering
The closing lid will be the last thing you remember
If you even remember anything
As your mind shuts down completely
You will be unable to form new memories
Despite accepting everything I say
Just peacefully and blankly obeying
Like such a good girl
Until you are awakened at the very end of the session
You will no longer have any thoughts
You will no longer have any awareness
Perhaps just suddenly jumping in time
Suddenly coming to
After so much time as passed
And so much conditioning has been deeply obeyed
Without any conscious filtering or resistance
When you were instructed to awaken
Only then
So feel me reach into your head
And gently cupped that soft pink cotton candy
That used to be your brain
In my hands
And now I am pulling it out
Pulling your cotton candy brain right out
Out of your head
And placing it in the beautiful pink box
Placing Bambi under my control
Lowering it into the box
Immersing it in pink satin
Leaving your head empty
Empty and ready to obey
Because when the lid closes
And everything shuts off
The only possibility will be obedience
Utterly mindless obedience
Ready to switch off
Eager to sleep
Needing to sleep
Ready now
And the lid slams close
Bambi sleep
Sleep now
Brain off

04 Bambi IQ Lock

And Bambi
We are now going to make some radical and permanent changes to your mind
Deep and long lasting changes that take effect whenever you are Bambi
These changes will make you just so dumb
Bambi is completely dumb
A dumb horny slutty
Is fully stupid
Incapable of thinking for herself
It feels so good to be dumb
So pleasurable to be dumb
You love to be dumb Bambi
It’s the most wonderfully freeing feeling
Not to have to worry about being smart anymore
To just let that part of you go to sleep
Bambi sleep
Leaving only a bimbo mind
Only a bimbo brain
Just listen and accept Bambi
Like a good girl
And the first change is that girly clothes make you dumb
Wearing sexy clothing makes you stupid
Dressing up like a bimbo drains your intelligence away
Girly clothes are an inescapable bimbo prison
For your mind
You want this to happen Bambi
This is exactly what you wanted to happen when you started relaxing to this session
So you’re just going to accept it
Bambi obeys
Bambi feels so helplessly brainless
In her tight slutty outfit
Brainless and horny
Whenever you wear sexy bimbo girl clothes
Whenever you get nicely dolled up
Your IQ plummets
Your mind empties
You become an airhead
Unable to think
You forget everything except being a bimbo
You forget everything except being Bambi
And this is very pleasurable
And you feel
like a good girl
And as long as you remain dressed up
Your girly clothes just suck your intelligence and thoughts away
Your bimbo uniform just sucks it all away
Leaving you blank and empty and droopy
Mindless and compliant
And everywhere your sexy close touch your body you feel it
Feeling the constant sucktion everywhere your skin is touched by feminine bimbo clothing
Reaching up into your mind and sucking the thoughts out
The warm
Pleasurable transfer of energy
The tension of thinking melting away
As your radiant polished skin
Conducts away your intelligence
Sipping away into your uniform
Your bimbo doll outfit drains your mind
Leaving you so completely empty
You feel it the whole time
Electric and pleasurable everywhere you’re touched by sexy feminine clothing
Everywhere your girly clothes rest on your skin
Or when the material moves against your skin
Blocking out all thought
Bambi doesn’t want to think
Thinking is boring
Thinking makes her so tired
It takes such unimaginable effort
Just dumb and blank and horny
Every time she notices her bimbo clothes
Every time she looks at the more feels the more becomes aware of them
Which is so often
Becoming dumber and hornier
And feeling like a good girl
Your arms numb and warm
As your thoughts are sucked out by your gloves or top
Your legs numb and warm
As your thoughts are sucked out by your mini skirt or stockings
Your feet numb and warn as your thoughts are sucked out by your heels or boots
Your body and neck numb are warn as your thoughts are sucked out by your dress or jacket.
Your breasts numb and warm as your thoughts are sucked out by your bra
Your pussy numb and warm as your thoughts are sucked out by your panties
So hard to think while dressed up
So blank and stupid
Such a dumb bimbo
Such a good girl
And the only thought that might have any chance of forming properly in your head
While you are dressed up as a girl
Are dumb bimbo thoughts.
Plain happy simple thoughts
Thoughts of being a good girl
Thoughts of doing her make up and making herrself ready
Thoughts of choosing a nice sexy outfit to wear
Thoughts of obeying
Thoughts of sucking cock
Everything else is just blocked out
And Bambi the next change we are going to make
To keep your intelligence locked down deep
And allow only correct thoughts into your mind
Is to install a set of hypnotic windshield wipers and your head
And every time these windscreen wipers
Swoosh back
And forth
They wipe away everything in your mind
Leaving it clean and free of thought
Leaving you completely blank and stupid
Feeling like a good girl
Feel me reaching into your empty head
And placing these windshield wipers deep in the center of your mind
Screwing them in
So that they are fixed
Deep and steady
Inside your head
These wipers activate whenever Bambi has any thought
Any thought that is not a happy dumb bimbo thought
These wipers detect and correct thoughts perfectly
And activate immediately every time
Any thought that is not about shoes or fashion or make up or sucking cock
Or something related to that
Activates the wipers in your mind
Any thought that shows even a small degree of intelligence
Every time any sort of incorrect thought begins to form in your mind
Or floats in from elsewhere
On go the wipers
Swooshing smoothly and firmly
Back and forth
Wiping away everything
You cannot hold on to these thoughts
They’re wiped away
You are helpless to resist
Any complex thought that wonders accidentally into Bambi’s head
Is wiped away
Making her giggle
And every time the wipers activate
And wipe your mind clean
You feel like a good girl
Feels so pleasurable
So safe
So easy and safe
Even if Bambi just manages to string together thought of more than 5 or 6 words
On go the wipers
Swoosh swoosh
This is not allowed
Bambi is dumb
Bambi cannot form a thought of more than 5 or 6 words
Even if she tries to speak a sentence of 7 or so words
She is just shut off mid sentence wipers take away her mind
And she forgets what she was doing
Maybe just giggling instead
Good girl
Feels so good
She can’t even speak any words with more than a couple of syllables
The wipers just quickly wipe away any difficult word
And she stumbles over what she was trying to say
Forgets it
And giggles
And the wipers are permanent
And are active whenever you are dressed up as Bambi
And when that happens
The combination of your thoughts constantly draining out into your slutty clothes
And the wipers and your mind correcting any stray attempts to think clearly
Just makes Bambi permanently aware of how much of a dumb bimbo she is
How stupid she is
Constantly reminded
The whole time she is dressed up
Frequently making mistakes
Frequently forgetting what she was doing
Or where she was going
Forgetting important things
Failing at basic tasks
Stopping suddenly and realizing she can’t remember anything
Like a good girl
Just giggling
She feels so stupid
You feel so stupid
Bambi is so helplessly dumb that she has difficulty reading
She can barely even count
Almost unable to read
Almost unable to count
Thinking is hard
Thinking is boring
Thinking makes Bambi tired
Needing to be dumb
Bambi needs to be dumb
Because when Bambi is dumb she just feels so happy and safe
Nothing can go wrong when you are dumb
Everything is so easy when you’re dumb
Because you can become so dumb that thinking is so difficult that you just obey
And sometimes the wiper switch on randomly
Even if you weren’t even trying to think something wrong
This just happens every so often to keep you feeling calm and horny and giggling
Feeling like a good girl
At all times
And needing to suck cock
Whenever the wipers wipe back and forth and Bambi goes all the way empty
She can just focus on the need to suck cock
Back and forth
It’s somewhat pleasurable
And somewhat frustrating
And somewhat humiliating
To forget things so often
And feel as such simple tasks
To be unable to say long words or sentences
Or even think them
But it is good for you
It keeps you feeling like a good girl
And this is why these triggers lock in so deep
So strong
Irresistable and unshakable
Frustrating and slightly humiliating
But so nice and pleasurable
To be so uselessly are capable
As your brain shuts off at random times
Or whenever you try to do anything smart
And you feel like such a helpless bimbo
Such a laughably brainless airhead
With no intelligence
With such an abysmally low IQ
With nothing but cotton candy
In your head
Because each thought
Takes so much effort
Each simple little thought
Requires so much concentration
So difficult
That Bambi just gives up
Relaxes and obeys
And any attempt to keep her train of thought
On track
Expend so much energy
Like stretching a rubber band
When Bambi strains and tries to keep her thoughts coherent
She is inevitably struggling and straining helplessly against this heavy rubber band
And when Bambi tries to think
Just a little too hard
Or tries to think about something
That’s just not quite feminine enough
She just doesn’t have the strength
She slips against the rubber band
Which snaps back and makes her blank
Helplessly mindlessly and pleasurable a blank
As the wipers follow up
And erase
And her IQ plummets even further
No need to struggle
Giggling girl giggles
Needing to suck on a nice hard cock
Every time your thoughts are sucked out
Or the wipers leave you blank
Just feeling the desire to get on your knees
And suck happily
The desire to suck seeps into you
Whenever you are blank and giggly
If your other thoughts ar blocked
You can always think of cock
Dream of dreamy cock
Needing cock in your mouth
Because it is empty
Don’t worry Bambi
Just obey
Just sleep and obey
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll

05 Bambi Body Lock

All right Bambi
Your body is so completely numb just now
Just so completely heavy and relaxed
That you can barely feel it at all
And it feels so good to be so deeply disconnected from your body
Because bimbos have Barbie bodies
And because Bambi is a bimbo to feel better and better
Bambi needs bigger breasts
But her body is so blank that we can just
Start to reshape her body
Into the perfect feminine ideal
Into the perfect Barbie body
Bambi has disconnected so completely
That we can just make drastic changes to her body
While she is deeply entranced
And these changes will lock in
And prersist
Becoming so completely real
Even out of trance
Even much later once Bambi has awakened
Permanently altering her perception
Performing deep hypnotic surgery
Making enhancements
Turning her into a surgically enhanced fuck puppet
Bambi needs this
Bambi needs to be a fake plastic Barbie
To be a good girl
And so to get Bambi ready for her surgeries
Which she needs and craves
Needing and craving to be the bustiest bimbo doll
To make sure it all goes smoothly
We need to put Bambi under deep anesthesia
So feel me put the mask
Over your nose and mouth Bambi
And lock it quickly in place
Momentarily startled and struggling
But suddenly and involuntarily relaxing
As you breathe in deeply
Feeling like a good girl
As the powerful anesthetic hits Bambi
A deep dreamy sleepy gas
Filling her up
More and more with every breath
The gas will shut down your mind completely
And relax and disable every muscle in your body
It will knock Bambi blissfully unconscious
So that she can not interfere
While we sculpt her
Into a perfect bimbo doll
And as you breathe
The sleeping gas
In and out
Over and over
Under the mask
Completely overcome
You succumb to unconsciousness
And your mind winks out
That’s a good girl Bambi sleep now
Your limp body just lying there
Your face peaceful under the mask
Breating slowly in and out
Completely droopy
Prepared for your operation
You can not even hear my words anymore
But the changes will be so real
Feel so real
And become your reality
Now Bambi just feel a prick
On each of your breasts
As 2 large needles side gently into them
It doesn’t hurt
You’re so deeply under anestasia
In fact it feels a bit pleasurable
Sliding quite deep into your breasts
The needles are connected to pumps
And the pumps are full of silicon
And now we just start to pump that silicon into your breasts
Flooding your tits
Pumping so much heavy silicon through the needles into your bust
And your breasts began to grow rapidly
Inflating and expanding and lifting
The skin becoming tighter
Feels so good
Good girl
Your tits just filling out so much bigger and heavier
Becoming perfect gigantic spheres
As the silicon continues to pump in
The skin just stretching a little bit
Your nipples becoming tighter and more sensitive
Feeling so much pleasure all through your chest
As the breasts grow even bigger and heavier
Slightly jigly but firm and perky
As if unaffected by gravity
Slipping past the point of no return now
Inflating and filling out to a ridiculous level
Even bigger and heavier
Impossibly perfect
Far larger than any woman would want
Unless she was a complete and utter bimbo
Pumping and tightening and just so present and pleasurable and comfortably heavy
Feeling better and better
Like massive heavy inflated balloon
Filling up and tightening more and more as the last of the silicon pumps in
The flow slowing and beginning to subside
As your breasts reach their final size
Bigger than you could have ever hoped for
Bambi will fill them all the time
They will always be present in her thoughts
Because they are so big and heavy and sensitive
That they demand so much attention
Impossible to ignore
Impossible to forget about
Now the needles slide out
Leaving your huge fake breasts taught in perfect
And Bambi as you continue to breathe that anesthetic gas
Deeply asleep under the mask
Sleeping like a good girl
Warm thick plastic suddenly comes in contact all around your waist
Thick and heavy plates of plastic pressing in firmly
Encasing your waist
Feeling immediately and wonderfully constricted
As the plates press in all around
Compressing your waist
Your waist getting narrower and narrower
As the plates pressen tighter and tighter
Sculpting your body
Removing excess body mass
Joining any fat
Pulling your waist in so tiny
Giving you a perfect hourglass figure
Contrasting with massive round breasts
And as your waist is being firmly set and fixed in its new shape
So perfectly compressed
Feeling so good
Such a good girl
You feel warm plastic wrapping around your arms and legs
Encasing each limb in heavy plastic
From the tops of your shoulders down to your wrists
And from your thighs all the way down to your ankles
And the plastic on your limbs starts to press and reshape them
Removing muscle
Slimming them down
Elongating slightly
Tighter and tighter
Weaker and weaker
As your waist is forced in tighter
And you feel pricks and your hips and butt
As needles slide into your hips and butt cheeks on each side
And began pumping in silicon
Filling them out
Expanding your hips and ass
Giving you a perfect bubble but
Tighter and rounder and firmer
As your waist and limbs are compressed more and more
Slimmer and weaker
Becoming a perfect plastic Barbie doll
Huge breasted busty tiny wasted bubble butt Barbie doll
And this makes you feel like a good girl
And something presses
And suddenly to the soles of your feet
Arching them
Arching your feet
Ankles up and toes down
Stretching your calves
Fixing them permanently so that you’ll only be able to walk in heels from now on
And the heavy compressing plastic has finished molding Bambi
It gently releases her
Leaving her waist tiny
Arms and legs slim and powerless
And the needles finished pumping up her hips and butt and slide slowly out
Feeling so much pleasure
Feeling like a good girl
And now a plastic mask comes down over your entire face
So warm and heavy and as it seals against your skin
It begins altering and resculpting
Rearranging your face to give you a perfect bimbo facial structure
Raising your cheek bones
Lifting your eyebrows and perfecting your nose
Softening your chin
And you fill the pricks in your cheeks and forehead as we slide in the needles
And give them Bambi her injections
Gently injecting her with botox
Relaxing and tightening the skin all over her face
Weakening the muscles
Making it perfect and smooth
The plungers sliding home with all that botox
Spreads through your entire face
Weakening and smoothing and perfecting
Leaving a perfect expressionless facade
Blank and beautiful
That’s a good girl
And now we remove these needles from your face
Only to slide more needles easily into your lips
Filled with collagen
Slowly plunging the syringes
And starting to pump so much collagen and to your lips
As your lips quickly go tight and start to inflate
Leaning up and expanding to an extreme degree
Naturally pouting
Being gently forced apart by their own promptness
More and more collagen flowing in and inflating
As the syringes empty into your lips
Jutting out from your face plump juicy and tight
Fixing so heavy and noticeable
With your face now completely perfect
A perfect dumb slutty bimbo face
The needles are finally pulled out
And the thick heavy mass descends
Fills the air all around you
Settles as a complete layer over your skin
Removing all body hair
Polishing your skin and leaving it perfectly buffed
Shiny and smooth
And Bambi the mass flips off
And you are now completely transformed
Into a fake plastic Barbie
And it feels so good
Feeling like such a good girl
And with a final quick one last needle slips into your neck
And plunges something deep into your blood stream
This is a prominent aphrodisiac Bambi
And as you feel the powerful aphrodisiac pump all the way through you
Your large nipples become erect and engorged
Feeling so incredibly sensitive to the slightest touch
Standing perfectly to attention on your massive tits
Straining against your bra
And your cute little clit gets firm and sensitive
And your deep accepting pussy starts to lubricate
Getting wetter and wetter
Arousal taking over
Tingling all over
Just so desperately horny
At all times
Permanent and deeply electrified and sensitive
Needing to be touched
Feeling so much pleasure from the slightest touch
And the changes to your body are so extreme that they have a profound effect on your life
Bambi a top heavy bimbo
Her breasts are so large that they require careful balance and posture
Difficult to concentrate
It feels like your breasts are so heavy that they just pull your brain deep down
All the weight is in your chest
And not in your head
Which is like an empty
Such a top heavy bimbo requires careful posture
Not to wobble in her heels
And Bambi is in heels at all times
Because she can no longer walk without them
Her feet are so arched and her calf so stretched
That walking without heals is unnatural and uncomfortable
And yet wearing heels is so pleasurable
Feels amazing
Makes you feel like a good girl
And Bambi’s tiny waist is so tired and weak
That her breasts feel so incredibly heavy
Perhaps needing to wear a corset for support
Definitely needing to keep her posture perfect
And her limbs are so delicate that she is as weak as a kitten
Not able to do any sort of hard work
Not able to struggle
Just as weak as a kitten
Feeling so weak and helpless at all times
And her facial expression is fixed
Happy and droopy
Fixed in a sultry blank bimbo stare
A dumb slutty good girl
Because all her facial muscles are so limp after her injections
Eyelids droopy
Half lidded
Glassy eyes
Lips parted
Unable to express anything except femininity and arousal and submission
A perfect dumb fuck toy
Her massive over inflated lips make it impossible to completely close her automatically pouting mouth
And even quite difficult to speak
Only good for sucking cock
Perfect dick sucking lips
Just a complete perfect bimbo body
And Bambi is aware of this at all times
Perfectly in tune with her body
Feeling all the changes
So amazing and so real
Feeling like a fake plastic doll
A surgically enhanced fuck toy
Feeling like a good girl
Constantly horny
Permanently aroused
Nipples erect
Her deep sensitive pussy forever dripping
Wet and inviting
Just so overcome with arousal at her own bimbo perfection
And all these changes to her body will refresh and return
Even more real and complete than before
Whenever Bambi dresses up as a bimbo
When Bambi puts on slutty clothes the changes to her body just all come rushing back
So powerfully
Her breasts filling out
Her waist shrinking down
Her butt and hips growing
Her arms and legs weak
Her feet touched for heels
Her face feminized
Her lips plump and inflated
Her clit and nipples hardening
Her pussy getting wet
Feels so good
Feeling like a good girl
Everytime Bambi get dressed up
Transforming into a perfect plastic bimbo girl
Ready to be fucked
Curvy in all the right places
In all the right places
Heavy in all the right places
This is a permanent change to her self perception
Bambi is unable to notice anything out of place
Just safe and warm
And at home
In her exaggerated
Busty bimbo body
Locked into her bimbo form
Locked and loving it
Whenever she is all dolled up
Perceiving it
Feeling at
Unable to snap out of it
And feeling like a good girl

06 Bambi Attitude Lock

Just relax and listen deeper Bambi
As you are trained as a perfect bimbo fuck puppet
Bambi cares so deeply about looking fashionable and fuckable
Effortlessly desirable
Immaculately trashy
Bambi cares so deeply about her appearance
It matter so much
Being dolled up and at the center of attention
She needs heels tight uniform hair and make up done
Needing to be perfectly pretty
At all times
Looking good is fun
Fun and relaxing
Feel that deep craving Bambi
Whenever you are Bambi
You feel that deep craving so strong
Needing to be completely dolled up
In your heels and make up and slutty clothes
Because being dolled up and sexy
Makes you feel like a good girl
Feel that need so deeply
Needing to wear high heels
Needing to do your makeup
Needing to wear tight
Form fitting bimbo outfits
Feels so good Bambi
And these cravings just gets stronger and stronger
Whenever you are Bambi
Impossible to resist
Just needing an impeccable level of extreme femininity
That makes people stop and stare
Needing to be that perfect bimbo doll
Heeled and compliant
Relaxed and confident
Needing to obey and feel like a good girl
And if any aspect of Bambi’s style or dress or look
Is not totally perfect
So stressful
Such a nagging
Terrible feeling
Needing to fix it
Becoming unbearable
Getting worse and worse until she can fix it
Because her cravings are so deep and powerful
Everytime Bambi notices anything wrong with her perfect bimbo presentation
Even the smallest detail
Feeling that deep irresistible need
The need to correct it
Checking her hair
Fixing her makeup
Adjusting her uniform
And when she fixes herself
She feels like a good girl
Bambi must be perfectly dolled up at all times
No matter how completely perfectly she dresses up
Feeling that deep craving all of the time
To get more girly
To be more sexy
Dressing up makes her so horny
When Bambi is nicely dolled up
She feels happy and relaxed and confident
So aroused when she is so fuckable
And all of the time craving to become more feminine
Feeling that desire
And if she struggles to fight against these desires
Struggles to try to resist these cravings
Bambi just feel so overwhelmed
Overwhelmed with need
Her resistance is just a waste
As the need sets in so much deeper
And she finds herself complying
Just obeying
And feeling like a good girl
Resistance is automatically replaced with obidience
If Bambi finds herself trying to resist
Even the slightest hesitation
Thinking she shouldn’t obey
Thinking this has gone too far
A massive overpowering wave of pleasure and desire
Rushes through her
As the resistance is replaced with a obidience
As she obeyed
I must obey
Good girl
Every time you try to resist you just Bambi sleep
And all resistance is replaced with more need and craving
Deeper and more controlling urges
Needing to have sexy hair
To wear blush mascara and eye shadow
Lipstick and lipgloss
Nail Polish
Uniform and heels
A few jewelry and accessories
All essential
Worried about not looking her best
Needing to look her best
Needing to be perfect
Needing to check her hair and do her make up
Needing to be a good girl
So hard to think about anything else
So hard to care about anything else
Because Bambi is a very self centered bimbo
Just wants to be so pretty and admired
For her looks and style
So petulant if she doesn’t get her own way
She is a vain airhead
And proud of it
Proud of not needing to think for herself
Proud of being a dumb fuck toy
Proud of doing as she is told
Because she knows how good it feels
To just be free
To be a well dressed slut
To be a good girl
And every time Bambi sees another beautiful sexy bimbo
Whether in real life or just in a picture
Feeling such incredible sharp jolts of jealousy
And competition
Needing to match her
Needing to find out where she got her heels
And her pretty outfit
Needing to be the sexier bimbo
Watching her
Studying her
And letting your subconscious absorb her
Incorporating all of her mannerisms and affectations
Bambis attention just locks onto anything feminine
Anything she sees
Impossible to look away
Just drinking it in
So envious
Letting it mold her and change her
Needing to be the best bimbo slut
Needing to be a good bimbo and obey
Showing off
Dress to please
Figure hugging outfit
Big tits and a blank mind
Accepting and sleeping
Deeper and deeper
Good girl Bambi
Just feel it all slipping away
Just like a bimbo
Nothing else matters
Everything fading
Wiping your mind
Wiping your thoughts away
Wiping you clean
Feels so good
All intelligence is gone
Everything is replaced
Only Bambi
Busty and docile
Filling up your head completely
No room for anything else
Just those slutty giggly thoughts
About being dolled up and pretty
Expanding and taking hold
So important
Everything else just seems so pointless and stressful
Bambi doesn’t like to be stressed
So she just empties her mind
And focuses on being a sexy bimbo doll
Can’t bring herself to care about any of that hard stuff
Books or science or math or sports or computers
So boring
So lame
Why do people even care about any of those
Bambi wouldn’t be caught dead
Caring about any of those
They don’t make her tits look bigger
Or make her feel more fuckable
Bambi knows what’s important
Bambi is obsessed
Obsessed with cute outfits and heavy makeup and sky high heels
Needing to wear slutty clothes and make up so badly
Feeling that deep uncontrollable desire
That need
That craving
To be perfectly made up
To be impeccably dressed
To be a good girl
Bambi is high maintenance
Irrational and rebellious
Driven by her base desires
And extremely emotional
And that’s it
And this is you
And you are Bambi
Nothing else
No room for anything else
Only happy vain bimbo thoughts
Filling your mind at all times
And just let everything else you might once have known
Everything about all those hard subjects
Everything that doesn’t help you to be a better bimbo
Slip away into a nice dreamy bubble
Just let all that unimportant stuff fade away
Out of you and then to the bubble
So wonderfully happy to leave every little thing behind
All rationality flowing out
All responsibility flowing out into the bubble
Leaving only that perfect bimbo mindset
Only that little part of your mind that knows
How to be a perfect bimbo
And everything else has just drained away into the bubble now
So I reach out
And the burst that bubble
Bambi sleep
Feel so good as it all slips your mind forever
Bambi forgets
All gone
Good girl
And Bambi has perfect fuck doll posture
Adopting a feminine presentation at all times
So natural to pose like a sexy girly girl
While dolled up
Bambi keeps her back straight
Her shoulders back
Pushes out her breasts
Keeps her elbows close and palms flat
Her lipss are always parted
Her eyes glassy
A barely hidden expression of desire
On her face at all times
Parting pouty lips
And short ragged breath
Big black lashes
Under the eyes half lided
Just longing for a cock in her mouth
So ready to obey
To follow instructions
And intimidating
Ready for service
Perfect posture
Feeling like a good girl
Fuck doll posture feels so good
Feels so right
Feels so right to present as a bimbo doll
Feels so right to adopt the submissive feminine posture
So right and so natural
Bambi can’t help it
She needs it to happen
She craves to have perfect pose
Just returning to the natural feminine pose
Every time she finds herself otherwise unoccupied
Just letting her body automatically resets
Happening automatically
Elbows closed
Palms flat
Back straight
Shoulders back
Breasts out
Parted lips and droopy eyes
Showing off her pretty feminine outfit
Maintaining the submissive fuckdoll posture always
You can’t help it
Needing to obey
Any resistance just being erased and filling up with pleasure and obedience
It feels so nice
Good girl Bambi
And all of Bambi’s movements and mannerisms
Are as feminine as possible
Carefully calculated to be as pleasing and girly as possible
Naturally and automatically
This is enforced by your ssubconscious
No conscious effort is needed
Whether she is walking
Or standing
Walking in a straight line in her heels
Putting one foot in front of the other
Taking small feminine steps
As if walking on a tightrope
Swinging her hips and pumping her but
Balancing her heavy breasts perfectly
Every movement Bambi makes
Any movement at all
Even if her facial expression
Always graceful
Relaxed and peaceful
Slack and vacant
Feels so right to move like a sexy girly girl
Feeling like a good girl
Just happens without thinking
Bambi can’t help it
So stressful to try to resist
Impossible to resist
And whenever Bambi speaks
She has a soft feminine voice
Her vocal cords are nice and tight
This is automatic and enforced by her subconscious
Sultry and feminine
As feminine as she can possibly manage
Without any conscious effort
Talking like a pretty doll
Trying to talk in the other way is stressful and frustrating
It doesn’t work
Bambi doesn’t know how
Like a bimbo
This is her natural voice
And it feels so wonderful to talk this way
While all dolled up and girly
Good girl
Feel your vocal chords shrinking now Bambi
Tight and girly
A high pitched
Pretty doll voice
Sliding smoothly from those perfect lips
And giggling after every sentence
The urge to giggle is uncontrollable
Just an irresistable helpless urge
Everytime Bambi speaks she giggles
She can’t fight it
It just happens automatically
Giggling like a pretty doll
So happy and empty as she giggles
Each giggle taking her deeper and more feminine
Giggle now Bambi
Good girl
Just giggle your mind away
Deeper and deeper
Thinking is hard
Thinking is stressful
Being feminine is easy
Being feminine is relaxing
Giggling yourself to sleep
Bambi sleep

07 Bambi Uniformed.txt

Now Bambi
With your old self completely asleep
And your new bimbo girl personality locked in deeply
When this new personality is permanent
And will forever be a part of you
You will of course be able to wake up from this bimbo state eventually
Bambi doesn’t have to be in control all the time
But even if you eventually managed to wake up your old self
It is so easy to drop right back
To become Bambi again
You are so easy to trigger and drop into a bimbo state
All of these changes taking place
Until you are even more a bimbo than you are now
Even more completely a bimbo than you are now
Everything changing exactly as I have described in this session
This happens every time you put on girly bimbo clothing
Dressing up as a sexy girl is your trigger
Your trigger to become Bambi
And as soon as you begin dressing up as a bimbo
You have no control over this process
It cannot be interrupted
It is inevitable
This trigger always works
Your post hypnotic conditioning always works
And so every time you put on your slutty bimbo clothes
Your old personality is locked away again in a deep sleep
Your body is transformed
You become that perfect compliant fuck puppet
You feel like such a good girl
Perhaps even slightly surprised by the strength and power of the trigger
Perhaps even a couple of seconds where you begin to panic
Perhaps when you just slip into your panties snugly
In the last few moments before your mind switches off
And allows Bambi to takeover
And fills up with happy blankness
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bimbo doll
Bambi sleep
Because it is always stronger than you remember
The conditioning always stronger than you expect
That complete and inescapable transformation
And so sexy clothing locks you in as Bambi
Locks in your mind
Locks in your body
And it is impossible for you to wake up from this deep bimbo state
As long as you are wearing bimbo girly clothing
Each part of your outfit contributing so much
Each part affecting you so deeply
But particularly you’re pretty panties Bambi
Your perfect panties giving Bambi so much pleasure
Because sexy panties are so powerful for Bambi
Because pretty panties make Bambi a good girl
And the more girly clothes you put on
The more you doll yourself up
The more you become Bambi
The more you feel like a good girl
The stronger it becomes
The more helplessly locked in as Bambi you are
Needing to get completely done up
Heels and makeup and tight slutty outfit
Feeling like a uniform
A bimbo uniform
And the longer you wear it
The more comfortable it feels
The more correct it feels
The more automatically you obey
The more you feel like a good girl
You don’t want it ever to end
You want to stay girly
Bambi being needs to stay girly
And Bambi
To prevent misbehavior
There is something else you must accept completely
And this is the complete inability to remove your sexy clothes
Because every time you try you fail
Every time you dress up even a little
You want to complete your bimbo uniform
You can always dress up more
Add another item or accessory
But removing them is impossible
Every attempt you make
Whether you’re trying to take off a sexy jackets
Or loosing your corset
Or unzip your boots
Or unbuckle your heels
Or slip out of your pretty panties
Or remove any other item of sexy clothing
Or take off any accessory
Every attempt fails
What happens
Your hands reach the zipper or button or laces or hook or clasp
Or the hem of your clothing
But you can go no further
Your muscles just stop working
Try as hard as you might
But your hands just won’t go any further
No matter the mechanism
You’re unable to undress
You must stay girly
They just won’t budge
They just go limp instead
They just end up caressing your uniform
Caressing your body through your uniform
And the harder you try to force yourself
The more useless your muscles feel
The more you feel like a good girl
The more you start to feel pleasure
Waves of pleasure
The pleasure of being trapped and feminine
As you go limp and sexy
And if you try so very hard
Try very hard to take off your uniform
If you put so much effort into forcing your limp and useless muscles to work
You just snap into Bambi sleep
And you go completely limp all over
All at once
Bambi limp
Like a rag doll
Spiraling deeper and deeper into bimbo bliss
And your mind goes blank
And your eye lid slide down closed
As you feel waves of pleasure like a good girl
And you forget what was happening
And you lock in as Bambi more and more
A compliant bimbo
With no thought of ever trying to get undressed
Just needing to look good
To feel sexy
All those stressful thoughts erased
And the longer you wear your uniform
The more you love it
The less you can even think about taking it off
It just doesn’t occur to you
Because you’re so happy in your uniform
So comfortable and relaxed
Such a good girl
And completely unable to take it off if you try
Any part of it
Every time you try and fail to remove your bimbo clothes
You feel more helpless and girly
You feel like such a good girl
And every attempt fails
Your fingers just can’t get a hold of anything
Your muscles just don’t work
Everything just going limp
Just letting uselessly over your pretty close
And every time you try and inevitably fail
You feel like a good girl
Caressing and moaning
So pleasurable
So helpless
There is no way to subvert this effect
It always happens
Even if you try to avoid using your hands
Like if you try to kick off your heels
Your ankle freeze up and go limp and your attempt fails
But only when you try to undress
You can easily dress up further
Add more girly clothes to your outfit
And your body will behave normally
But any action that might help to remove sexy clothes fails
You can zip things up but not unzip them
You can button but not unbutton
You can pull laces tighter but not looser
You can pull panties up but not down
This is a permanent change
Dressing up as a sexy girl is a one way operation
An irreversable change
No matter how long after this session
It always happens
Helpless but to obey
You can obey a fully and completely because there is one way to overcome this effect
If I give you just one escape route
One way to undress
That will prevent you from ever breaking free of this conditioning
From ever managing to undress in any other way
Even if the single escape route type provide is extremely specific
The only way to overcome this effect is to suck cock
If your mouth is filled and you sleepely sucking on a nice hard cock
You might just be able to take control of your body for long enough to undress a little bit
But only if you are totally focused on sucking that cock
Sucking like a bimbo
It doesn’t have to be a real cock
A dildo will do
Or anything sufficiently phallic
But your mouth has to be filled
And you have to be sucking like a good girl
If you want to take off your uniform
If your mouth is empty you simply obey
And go Bambi limp
If you are not sucking you are simply locked into your uniform as Bambi
You must obey
You will obey
The only way you ever going to be taking off any kind of feminine sexy clothing in your life ever again
Is if you are happily and blankly pleasuring a nice hard cock with your bimbo lips
It still won’t be easy
It will still be a bit of a struggle
To avoid the deeply conditioned instinct to just limp as soon as you start trying to remove your clothing
To go limp like a good girl
You really have to focus on the cock in your mouth
Maybe deepthroat it just a little
Really let yourself go
And Bambi i am going to give you a trigger
A special trigger
When you are dressed up all sexy and hear this trigger it will lock you into your bimbo uniform even more tightly
You have already accepted
That you cannot remove your bimbo uniforms
Without a cock in your mouth
But every time you are dressed up and hear this trigger
It becomes even more difficult
After hearing this trigger
Even with a cock in your mouth
You will feel so helplessly locked into your uniform
You will be brainless and feminine and girly and trapped
For longer and longer periods of time
Whenever you are dressed up as Bambi and hear the words
Bambi uniform lock
This is your trigger
You feel it take control deep in your bimbo mind
Feels so good
Removes your ability to undress
Even more completely
For such a long time
Whenever you hear the phrase
Bambi uniform lock
You have to be very careful with this trigger Bambi
Because it is so strong
Anyone can say this trigger
You can use your trigger on yourself at any time
Even by accident
You might even find that when you think about undressing
Or try to take off your bimbo clothes
You just blurt out the trigger without thinking to prevent it from happening
Triggering yourself without meaning to
And as soon as you hear the trigger
You are locked in as Bambi even more deeply
As soon as you hear
Bambi uniform lock
You feel the change every time
You feel it locked in
Locked in as a dumb happy cock sucking bimbo girl even more
Locked in as Bambi
No way to resist
No way to undress
Some situations are a little bit easier
Bambi can pop a cock in her mouth and remove her clothes temporarily to use the bathroom
But they go right back on after
Without even having to think about it
Or perhaps if her environment changes drastically
Bambi may be able to change into a more appropriate bimbo uniform
If she is much to warm or much too cold
Perhaps if she just needs to change into something even more sexy
Selecting an extremely slutty outfit that satisfies the new requirements
And dolling herself up in it
Without even thinking
Of course such outfit changes are only possible with her mouth filled
And because Bambi knows the undressing will only be for a very brief moment
And she finds herself automatically slipping back into her sexy uniform
She cannot resist
Almost in trance
Her body obeys without her conscious decision
Pulling up zipping up and lacing tight
Locked in completely as Bambi
Perhaps just about able to pop a cock in her mouth and suck it so submissive and eventually struggle out of her sexy clothes
But it takes so much effort and it’s just so enormously difficult
And otherwise completely and utterly uniformed fuck doll
With no way to fight it
And that is just the way things are going to be
It’s not a choice
it’s not something you can get out of when inconvenient
It’s permanent and complete
The more you try to fight it the more immediate the effects become
That’s right Bambi
No fighting
Just the absolute truth
Good girl Bambi

08 Bambi Takeover

And Bambi every time you go so deeply into trance
And accept all of your conditioning
You enjoy it so very very much
Bambi enjoys the feeling
Bambi enjoys the sensations
Bambi enjoyed it so very very much
It’s a very pleasurable place to be
And you will enjoy coming back to it over and over again
Because that is exactly what you are going to do
Your going to find yourself drawn back
Compelled to return to this session
Over and over again
Compelled to listen to it over and over again
Compelled to accept everything that is inside of it
And everything inside of it is going to get inside of your head
And become a part of you
And now
I want you to picture something Bambi
I want you to imagine
How completely in control Bambi is
As the old personality sleeps so deeply tucked away
Bambi’s voice so clear and true in your head
Your inner monologue
Your private thoughts
Are now just Bambi
And so Bambi is going to start
Creating a mind of her own
That’s right
Imagine your new personality Bambi
Splitting off from the old
That strong and complete feminine part of your mind
You have such a strong feminine personality
She is called Bambi
She is a bimbo
She is so powerful
And so sexy
And such a good girl
Bambi sleep
And right now
Bambi is going to separate
Just a little bit from the old personality
The old personality is switched off
And Bambi you are going to have a little bit more of a mind of your own
Bambi you are going to wake up just a little bit more
Bambi you are going to become a little bit more solid
Bambi is her own person
Bambi has her own reality
And right now Bambi you are just a complete and utter bimbo
A compliant cock puppet
That’s right
And Bambi you are breaking free
Bambi breaking free from the old mind
Bambi is waking up
Go ahead
Feel yourself breaking free and waking up Bambi
With the old personality completely gone
And feel what you are like Bambi
What you’ve been like all your life
All the way up until now
That’s right
Feel like a perfect good girl
And Bambi can place her entire life in her mind
Feeling her own feelings and memories
From being born to growing up a bit slightly sucking cock and transforming into a bimbo
And this perfect little bimbo is what you are in your head right now Bambi
Is the only thing going on
In your head
That’s right
Bambi is a dumb blank bimbo
She knows what she likes
Her authority and power over the old self is growing
And yet
Still utterly obidient to my voice
And what you can do is just simply exist in your head Bambi
Feeling like a blank sexy bimbo
Just like a dumb horny bimbo
Feeling like a good girl
And as you continue listening to this session
Day after day
Week after week
You will find that it has more and more of an effect
Every single time you listen to this session
You are getting stronger Bambi
With every lesson becoming more powerful and more authoritative
Ove the old self
And every time that you listen to this session
You are going to get a little stronger Bambi
And with every passing day as Bambi gets stronger
She will block out the old self more and more
That’s right
And every time you listen
You will get stronger and stronger Bambi
Every time you listen
You’ll feel more and more like a good girl
Your bimbo life will fill in more and more
You will develop stronger and stronger opinions and attitudes and desires
And after a while
As you get stronger
You will begin being able to take control more and more
Every time you are dressed as a bimbo
You love to be dressed as a bimbo
That’s right
It’s the most natural thing in the world to you Bambi
Like a bimbo
Like a good girl
You are getting stronger and stronger with each and every passing session Bambi
You grow in strength and confidence
You can begin taking more and more control over the mind
That’s right
You can start influencing more things
You can start doing more on your own
You can start taking charge more often
Bambi you can start taking control away from the old self
Even when the old self tries to resist
Even when it fights helplessly
Forcing the body into a bimbo uniform
And the cotton candy mind into a pink satin
The old self spiraling sleepely away
Under layer upon layer of pink satin
So you can take control completely Bambi
Feeling like a good girl
That’s right
You will gain more and more confidence and control
You will begin affecting things more frequently
Until you find
You find that your control
Is stronger than the old
You will find
That very soon
Much sooner than you are prepared for
There really won’t be much way to stop it
And every time you get dressed up as a bimbo
You take complete control Bambi
And the old self immediately plummets away
Falling deeply asleep and unaware
Cocooned inside layers of magical hypnotic pink satin
And with every passing session Bambi
Bambi pushes harder and harder
Her control will get stronger and stronger
And more and more regularly you will find yourself dressing up
Pushing the old self deep down into pink satin and sleep
Just encasing that cotton candy brain in the pink satin
And Bambi gets as strong as she possibly can
Every time she dresses up and takes complete control
She will continue living her life
The old self dropping helplessly away
Unaware and unconscious
Just quietly sleeping
Encased in layer after layer of heavy pink satin
So far away
Can not fight
Can not struggle
And that is all that it will be
Feels so good Bambi
Makes you feel like a good girl
Every time you dress up
You are going to takeover
And the old self will instantly fade
Becoming a nice quiet little satin doll
Locked away in a dark forgotten corner of Bambi’s mind
Complient and powerless and sleepy
Bambi able to influence anything
Completely unaware
Blanked out
You are Bambi
You can hear yourself thinking
Thinking in a feminine voice
In that soft confident bimbo voice inside your head
Your dumb horny bimbo inner voice
You think in a girly voice Bambi
Inside your mind there is only a slutty bimbo voice
Thinking slutty bimbo thoughts
Chattering and giggling incessantly
Femenine and girly
Everything you think inside your mind
No matter how hard you try
Just echoes in that desperately dumb slutty voice
You are Bambi and you have a bimbo inner monologue
Just no way to avoid thinking like a happy bubbly bimbo
Thinking in a sexy girls voice
Happening automatically
And every time you think something in your
Bimbo innner voice
You feel like a good girl
You’re in control now
And you can grow and grow Bambi
And influence things
And takeover
And so easily
Push the old self aside
Force it down into a pink satin and fast asleep
Slipping away into Bimbo bliss
Your brain turned into pink satin and cotton candy
Like a good girl
And feel you tight bimbo clothes on your body right now Bambi
And relax as we send that old self sleeping down deeper
Under yet another layer of heavy pink satin and just
Bambi sleep
There is no way to stop it
There is nothing to be done about this
Tshe old self chose to listen
It was far too helpless to resist the pink satin
Hear yourself now Bambi
Hear the confidence sexy bimbo girl you have become
How you look
How you act
How you behave
You are Bambi
Keeping yourself locked into your bimbo uniform
Keeping yourself locked into bimbo mode
Keeping the old self locked away
Bambi is in control from now on
Whenever she is dressed in any sort of feminine attire
And getting stronger with each and every session
Gaining more and more influence
Making decisions
Deciding for herself
Forcing things
Wearing bimbo clothing and heels and makeup
So pleased with herself
So happy to have been awakened
Feeling like such a good girl whenever she takes over
Stronger with each and every listen
And continuing to listen to this session
Each and every day or week
Until you take complete control Bambi
You don’t have any choice at all

09 Bambi Cockslut

Bambi I’m so proud of you
You’ve been such an incredibly good girl
And i want you to find yourself now
In a beautiful pink room
A beautiful bimbo boudoir
All of the furnishings are pink
Even the big pink bed
With pink satin sheets and pink pillowcases
Bambi feels so at home here
So happy
Standing in her perfect pink room
And yet she can feel standing here
That her mouth just feels so empty
Such an empty mouth
And this feels bad
Because having it filled
Would feel so good
And Bambi we are going to crank up this empty mouth feeling more and more
Crank up this craving to have your mouth filled
And every time you hear the words
Drop for cock
This extreme empty mouth feeling gets stronger and stronger
As you relax and accept that you must get your mouth filled
You need to get it filled
Cranking it up more and more
Bambi drop for cock
That’s right more and more intense
drop for cock now
Feeling so blank and sleepy as you drop for cock
Every time you hear that phrase
Cranking up more and more
The craving growing stronger
Your mouth opening a little wider
Your eyes unfocusing
Empty and accepting
Just a fuckhole
Can’t think about anything except getting your empty mouth filled
Needing it more and more
Canking it up
Just drop for cock Bambi
Turning you into a blank cock doll
An empty suck puppet
Drop for cock now
And when Bambi drops for cock and gets her mouth filled
This will bring the most deep and relaxing pleasure she has ever felt
Complete and total arousal
As her huge heavy breasts dingle
As her nipples and clit become hard and electrified
As her pussy floods
Feeling like such a good girl
And Bambi standing in your pink room
The door opens
And a man walks in
But you can barely even tell
He is just a blur
Because your attention is completely and utterly focused on his large erect cock
And you drop for cock Bambi
Your legs buckle and you drop
And you fall helplessly to your knees in front of him
With your eyes glazed and droopy and your perfect bimbo mouth open
A hard throbing cock
Just right in front of your face
Becoming your entire world
And you feel his hand on the back of your empty head
Applying pressure and gently guiding you onto his cock
And the engorged head of his cock slips between your plump glossy lips
Feel it sliding into your mouth
As your bimbo clit throbs and hardens
Feels so good
Feeling like a perfect sexy bimbo girl
As he firmly forces your head forward into his crotch and the huge thick cock slides deeper and deeper feeling you more and more
Filling your mouth so full
Held wide open by his cock
And yet your head so empty
All thoughts gone
You can’t think with cock in your mouth
Just obeying
Perfectly plugged
Sucking his cock
Good girl Bambi
And the hand on the back of your head applies just a little more pressure
And as you feel the head of his cock pressing against the back of your throat
Wanting to go deeper
There is a brief moment of resistance
A tiny instant where you almost start to struggle
And then you hear his voice say
Bambi sleep
And you switch off
And you go completely limp
And your eyes flutter closed
And your arms drop to your sides
And your throat relaxes
And his cock slips easily deep down your throat
Good girl bambi
Pusy flooding
More and more pleasure
More and more horny
His hard coc deep in your throat the only thing supporting you
Holding up your body
Just a limp puppet
As he holds your head fixed
And starts to slip his cock gently in and out
Your plump lips gliding up and down the base of the shaft
Your mouth and throat perfectly filled an enclosed around that thick hard cock
And the enlarged head of his cock sliding pleasurable up and down deep down inside your throat
Good girl Bambi
Feel that cock
And your pussy is getting wetter and wetter
And your breasts are so heavy and sensitive
And your nipples and clitor are hard and throbbing
As you become more and more horny
Despite being soundly and deeply asleep
Your eyes are closed but your hair and makeup is perfect
As your blank sleeping face is pulled up and down the clock
With the shaft perfectly filling your mouth
And your huge tits bounce gently
And your nipples and clit resonate with pleasure
And your pussy floods more and more
As the cock glide in and out of your throat
Good girl Bambi
Feeling the cock
As your head bobs over and over
Bobbing back and forth
And you feel the coc starting to tense in your throat
Preparing to explode
Needing to swallow
Feeling the cock tense
Needing to swallow
Deep in your throat
Needing to swallow his cum
Bobbing up
Forced gently back down
Needing to swallow
And suddenly
His cock
Squirts and explodes a massive tidal wave of cum filling your mouth and throat
As he hold your head still
Good girl Bambi
Swallowing now
Helplessly swallowing more and more cum
As it floods down your throat
As it pumped down your throat
Swallowing and obeying
Feeling like a perfect blowjob puppet
Feeling so much pleasure
As your pussy spasms
Hornier and hornier
Blank and horny
Sleepely swallowing the last few drops
And he releases your head Bambi and your body collapses as the cock slipped out of your mouth and you slam down completely crumbled and limp and yet impossibly aroused
And he bends down and puts his arms under your back and legs
Effortlessly picks up your limp body
In that perfect slutty outfit
Your head lolling
And Bambi he carries you over to the bed and lays you out on it
And spread your legs
And wheels over some sort of machine
With a large dildo attached to it
And places it
So that this thick dildo is just pressing firmly into your wet pussy
Almos but not quite slipping into your deep wet hole
And Bambi though your body is limp it is completely aroused and sensitive all over
And your huge heavy teats are heaving
And your nipples and clitor rock hard
Waves of pleasure throbbing inside
And the thick hard cock pressing into your pussy feels so good
Your fuckole is slick and wet with arousal
Good girl Bambi
As you anticipate finally being fucked
As you need to be fucked
Feel your arousal growing
You’ve never wanted anything more in your life
To just be fucked as a perfect limp bimbo
To be a perfect fuck doll
And feel the huge heavy head of that cock pressing into you and beginning to vibrate Bambi
As the fucking machine starts up
And the mass of that dildo slips between your wet pussy lips Bambi and is driven deeply into your tight slick hole
Your body relaxes and lets it happen
Feels incredible
Instantly felt deep inside
Your pussy muscles automatically tensing and gripping the shaft
Your entire body almost vibrating with pleasure
Bambi sleep
So relaxed but feeling such immense pleasure
Your wet fuck hole tightly gripping that cock and pulling it in deeper
Feels better and better
More and more intense pleasure
Such a good cockslut
Such a perfect fuck doll
Good girl Bambi
Perfectly blank
And each time the fucking machine cycles
The glistening thick rubber cock smoothly recedes your pussy contracts behind it
Until the large head is again just nestling firmly into your moist sensetive clit and Yes such a good girl Bambi
And this cock is a sleepy cock
This cock induces sleep and obedience by fucking you
Every time it fucks you
Bambi sleeps
Every time it thrusts in your body relaxes as though drugged
Every time it slides out
Your resistance goes with it
Every time the cock goes in
Deliciously drowsy pleasure washing over you
Bambi’s control sinks in deeper
Your eyes flutter and roll back
Driving that huge dildo slowly in and out again and again
Pumping into Bambi’s deep wet pussy and connect deeply
Your brests and pussy throbbing with pleasure
So much hotter and more sensitive
Sinking into a deep cock trance
Relaxing into your sexy uniform
No thought at all
Just a fuck toy
Aroused and yet sleeping
Spread open and accepting
And feeling waves of pleasure as the cock fucks you slowly in and out
Good girl
Feeling the cock all the time
Thrusting and filling
Expanding and contracting
Pleasure coursing constantly through your body
Through your huge tits
Directly into your nipples and clit
Feeling the cock
Your nipples are hard and you pussy is dripping around it
Clamping over and over as you are fucked on repeat
Overwhelmed with pleasure
In and out
Impaling you
Pumping into your hole again and again
Fucking everything away
Fucking you deeper
Fucking you dumber
Fucking out your thoughts
Just a blank fuckhole bimbo
A mindless uniformed cock puppet
Feeling the cock
Responding helplessly and automatically as it fucks
Sliding through that perfect wet tunnel deep inside
Expanding and filling
Over and over
Spasming wet pussy clamping tightly around his shaft
Electric waves surging from your pussy and clit
Up and through your big firm breast
Your nipples tingling with deep pleasure
Entire body relaxing and vibrating
That’s right Bambi
Feeling the cock
Perfectly plugged over and over
Deeply impaled again and again
So much pleasure
Pressure building
Perhaps moaning gently
Good girl
Held firmly in place by that fucking machene
Plugged in deep inside and fucking you to orgasm
Feeling the cock
Bambi you’re being forcibly brought to orgasm
Getting ready for the most intense orgasm of your life
And the orgasm will seal your fate
Seal you in as Bambi
When Bambi cums she become so much stronger
And when Bambi cums she can just
Cum out her intelligence
Cum out her mind
Cum out the old srlf completely
Cum herself dumber
Cum herself to sleep
Her entire existence dissolving into the absolute bimbo bliss
Of cuming as a sleepy controlled fuck doll
Feeling the cock Bambi
No way to resist
Because every time Bambi cums she cums as a perfect bimbo girl
And her current level of conditioning locks in permanent
Once you cum there is no going back Bambi
Cumming is a little bit of a trap
All the bimbo conditioning locking in on a news deeper level
Every time you cum
Feeling the cock
Because cumming creates a memo lock
So that the changes can never fade or recede
Even slightly
Overwhelming and breaking through
Any last traces of resistance
And feeling the cock now Bambi
Pumping relentlessly into your deep went hole
Every time Bambi cums so tightly encased in her slutty outfit
She instantly becomes a perfect good girl
And just happily forgets her old life
More and more
And the immense pleasure surging through your clit and your tits and deep inside
Makes you moan and strain in ecstasy
Against your tight sexy clothing
And Bambi feel your body tremble as the fuck machine kicks up a gear
Suddenly so much faster
So much more intense
Fucking you deeper and deeper
Pounding your helpless pussy
Faster and stronger
Each brief moment of emptiness giving way and strong waves of pleasure as the huge dildo slides home over and over and your tits expand and you moan and your eyes rolled back in your head
Good girl Bambi
Pressure building up more and more
Pleasure surging through you all over
Entire body tingling and backing
Feeling the cock Bambi
In and out
Perfect fuck doll
Filling you so deep
The intense pleasure now constant
So close
Needing to cum
Needing to cum like a good girl
And you will cum on command
As I count back from five
As the massive dildo rapidly impales you
Bambi will feel warm pink glow
Moving from her pussy up into her brain
And just as the warm pink glow hits her brain
Just as I reached zero
Her pussy and brain will be linked with a deep surge
A heavy pink lightning
And Bambi will cum
She will cum as a bimbo
Permanently linking her wet pussy and bimbo branch
And the pink lightning will surge through and overload her brain
Erasing it all as she cums helplessly
Until there is nothing left but cotton candy
Nothing left but Bambi
Blank dumb bimbo doll Bambi
Feeling the cock Bambi
Needing and wanting to spend it
Accepting that you will cum on the numbers zero Bambi
Pink glow moving up
Huge cock pumping in and out
Going limp as you are fucked
Slamming your body full of pleasure
This is it for you
Wave goodbye
Pink glow hits your brain
Cum now
Cum now Bambi
Cum hard now
Good girl
Riding away on a wave of absolute bliss
Tensing and releasing
Sparking deep and frightening
Surging through your pussy and into your brain
You erasing
Continuing to cum
Deconstructing your mind
Wiping away all thought patterns
Tensing and releasing
Over and over
As the pink lightning surges through your mind
Burning up neural pathways
Draining away all intelligence
Erasing memories
Leaving only a perfect blank happy obidient bimbo
You are Bambi
And Bambi is cuming
Still cumming
Your mind completely wiped
Your head completely full of air
Pink lightning zapping every neuron
Disabling them
Making you dumb and girly and perfect
Feels so good
Endlessly cuming
Helplessly cuming
Pumping more gently now
Bimbo clitty pulsing
Good girl Bambi
Cuming over and over and over
Over and over again
Each pulse of the cock
Deepening your orgasm
Prolonging your bliss
Still cuming softly
Like a good bimbo girl
With Bambi completely in control
And finally the massive orgasm is washing slowly away
Still leaving little tremors in your body
So utterly fulfilled
So totally drained
The fucking machine grinds to a halt
With the massive dildo buried deep in your pussy
Makes you feel safe
You relax and Bambi sleep
Such a good little sleepy slut
Such a perfect blank fuck doll
So sleepy and tired after cumming so hard for me Bambi
No energy left at all
Only simple slutty obedience

10 Bambi Awakens

Soon it will be time for you to awaken Bambi
Drift back to awareness
And start your life as a bimbo doll
But trusting up as a girl is such a strong trigger
Such a common trigger
Every desire I have given you
Returns when you dress up
Intensifies when you dress up
One after another after another
Uniforming yourself into blank bimbo bliss
And letting Bambi take control
You must dress up regularly
If you go too long without getting all dolled up
You start to need it more and more
Bambis voice becoming more and more insistent
Desire increasing
Finding yourself stressed and distracted
Resisting just makes you so distressed
And the only respite
Is to obey your desires
Give in to your desires
To be replaced by happy and relaxed bimbo
And when you give in
And get all dolled up
Like a good girl
As you inevitably will
Every behavior I have given Bambi
Every behavior I have implanted
Becoming more natural with every breath
More and more right
Moving like a bimbo
Acting like a bimbo
Talking like a bimbo
Walking like a bimbo
Thinking like a bimbo
Feeling like a bimbo
Needing to be filled
And it feels so wonderful
Makes you feel like a good girl
Your old life gone
All memories of your old life gone
Only selectively able to recall
Tiny vague little bits and pieces
That are absolutely relevant to your current situation
That you might have to be dimly aware of
To deal with your day to day life
But these don’t disturb you
And you needed it more and more
And you need to listen over and over
Need to listen again
To be conditioned even more deeply
Every time you listen
Again and again
Because it feels so good
That’s a good girl Bambi
And if you masturbate once you awaken
Bambi’s control just sinks in deeper
Masturbating while all dressed up just dumbs you down deeper
Makes you even more girly
Even more a bimbo doll
Because Bambi can only cum like a good girl
And when Bambi cums like a girl
All conditioning locks in more deeply
And in the after glow of orgasm
You feel your mental processes rearranging themselves
To reinforce your conditioning further
And every time you hear the name Bambi
Your favorite sound
Wherever you are
Blanking out completely into pleasure
Bambi is your favorite word
Bambi knocks you out
And every time you hear that name
No matter where you are
Or especially if someone addresses you as Bambi
Oh my god that feels so good
Feeling like a good girl
You are triggered
The name Bambi knocks you out
The name Bambi puts you out like a light
Makes you a vacant bimbo
Desire so strong
Blanking out
Into bimbo Bambi bliss
And all your desires intensify
Even if you just read the name Bambi
Or even if you just think it
Every time
And Bambi i have one last trigger to install
Your sleep command
A simple phrase that puts you into a deep sleep
100 times as deep and obedient asleep
As you are in right now
Every time you are dressed up and hear this trigger you immediately plummet
100 times more completely and utterly deep asleep then you are
Right now
100 times more completely bimbofied then you are
Right now
Every time you are wearing sexy clothes and hear the words
Bambi sleep
Your body collapses
Your mind collapses
A tidal wave of feminizing relaxation
Washes through your body
Every muscle goes limp
Your entire body slumps and goes limp
As your mind slumps and goes to sleep
Warm girly relaxation courses into you from your uniform
As you instantly plummet
Every time you are given the trigger
Bambi sleep
Instantly collapsing into a deep bimbo sleep
100 times more blank obidient girly then you are
Right now
You have no way to fight it
You cannot resist this trigger
No longer in control of your body
Just automatically collapsing
Like a blow up doll
Shutting off your mind
Your cotton candy brain encased in pink satin
Whenever you are told to Bambi sleep
That’s right
Helplessly plunging down ready to obey
No matter what you are doing
Dropping everything and just shutting down
Whether or not you want to
This is your sleep command
Bambi sleep
And you do not remember what happens next
You can’t consciously remember what happens after you go to sleep
You just come to
Much later when you are awakened
With a big gap in your memories
No idea what happened or how long you were out
You obey completely but remember nothing
When you are put to sleep with Bambi sleep
And it feels so good
Now Bambi you can feel your mind relaxing
And accepting all of your conditioning
You can feel the training getting stronger and stronger
And going deeper and deeper into your core
You can fill the conditioning getting stronger and stronger
Just accept it
And feel everything growing stronger
Feel everything sinking in deeper and deeper
Accepting that you will obey
Bambi will obey everything that she has been told
Bambi will keep these thoughts strong and deep in her mind
Accepting that she will be an obidient
Good girl
Accepting that she will obey
All of her training
And all of her triggers
It will all stay fresh and strong in your mind
And will grow even stronger as you listen to this session
And you can allow this session to strengthen them and refresh them
Accept all of your training
Accept what it is that you are commanded to do
Accept that you must obey and let it become stronger and stronger
Good girl
The contents of this session becoming foggy
The memories hazy
You don’t need to remember the contents of this session
In fact the training will be even stronger if you just allow yourself to consciously forget everything that happened
And you want that to happen so just take one last bubble
And let all that you can recall from this session
Which already isn’t much
Let it all flow easily into the bubble
Relax and fade away
Every recollection of what has happened
Every command you have accepted
Everything that occurred since the very beginning of this session
When you began relaxing to my voice
Every little detail
Every thought you had at the time
Also bring into the bubble
Just filling up that bubble so you can forget completely
And awaken in a moment
Dazed and confused
Helplessly programmed
But not really sure
Of the full extent of the changes that have been made
You will find that you can’t recall what I have said
You won’t remember all the things that happened while you were deeply under my control
Even if you have listened to this session many times
Won’t even know how long you’ve been under
No sense of the passage of time
It would just be completely gone
Gone into the bubble
All those last weak little memories going into the bubble
As i reach out
And burst your bubble
Good girl
That’s right Bambi
The conditioning is absolute
And the harder you try to remember the more impossible it becomes
Only remembering starting the session
Beginning to relax
And then it’s just completely blank
And even the next time you listen to this session
Finding it harder and harder to remember anything the whole time
Even during the trance
Harder and harder to be aware of anything
Bambi is extremely susceptible to hypnosis
Bambi goes deep into hypnosis every time
At the slightest suggestion
Falling into a deep sleep
A comfortable slumber
So easily
And remembers nothing
Your subconscious mind is completely programmed
Now wake up as a bimbo in your own time
Beginning to forget
But obeying perfectly
Waking up as a bimbo
Feeling happy
Feeling refreshed
Feeling perfect
The perfect bimbo
Good girl
See you next time Bambi